Friday, November 6, 2009


If this was one of those standard contracts that many of us have seen throughout our lives, this would be the part where the "fine print" lies. As I have alluded to in previous posts I consider myself basically pragmatic and I have found through trial and error that it is sometimes good to just put all the cards on the table so to speak.

First of all, since I'm not perfect this blog is not meant to be perfect. I hope this statement doesn't sound trite or arrogant because I'm just trying to be honest. There are those out there who just tell people what they want to hear because they value short-termed popularity over long term truth, and I know that there have been times in the past where I would have been found right along with them. However, after 50 years I have learned that honesty is always the best policy.

So Let's Be Honest -

I have Retinitis Pigmentosa (mostly referred to as RP) and have had it for 50+ years. It has progressed to the point where I became egally blind many years ago so I had to learn how to use a white cane. Fortunately, I can stiil see enough to get around without bumping into too many things in the day time, although more things then I used to.

As those who have it know, RP is hereditary and I inherited it from my mother who is in her 70s and totally blind. She too had to admit that she was fortunate because her vision loss was so gradual that she can't even remember when she stopped seeing at all. She told me that she now only sees in her dreams.

Now I don't relay any of this information to have anyone feel sorry for me. Frankly,I've had bad vision all my life, wore what was called back then "coke bottle" glasses and was teased and taunted in school. (What's that saying about what doesn't kill you....I guess I'm very strong these days.) The main reason I don't need anyone to feel sorry for me is because I know where I stand. I myself feel sorry for those people with perfect vision who constantly take their eyes for granted. There the same people if they got in a car accident tomorrow and lost their sight would commit suicide the very next day.

I admire people with RP who elect not only to survive but thrive! I consider my mom a hero because she not only gets up everyday but she goes out and does more in the average week then sighted people her age does in a month. I couldn't feel sorry for myself if I tried because I see better then she does! Enough said.

Another point I wish to make is blog content. I have been struggling with that to a degree for a while because i truly believe I have a few things to say that will help people if they put it to practice. I will also state emphatically, that 99% of the stuff anyone reads on this blog that can be applied to thriving was gleamed from men and women FAR brighter then me. I was just smart enough to "steal" from the best and apply it. Not too bad a practice when you're trying to improve yourself. I will assure you that unless I just don't know where the idea originated, I will always tell you where the thoughts came from AND where you can go to get more of the same.

I just want anyone who reads this blog to know that I don't claim any great wisdom about life. If I can take credit for anything is that I applied what seemed to work for me and discarded what didn't. One piece of advice I heard said can definitely be applied here. Take a grocery shopping attitude. No one goes grocery shopping and sweeps everything off every shelf into their cart. They choice what they want at that time and they leave what they don't like on the shelf. Good philosophy of life. It fits perfectly for this blog. I now you will find something you like here eventually. That's not arrogance on my part. Why I know is the best parts, as I said above, I "gleamed" from other sources. And if yu choose you may "gleam" it from me. However, it's best if you do that to try this three step process taht I picked up form a wise speaker: The first time you repeat something you find here just say, "I read something in a blog one day." The second time you use it say, A wise person once said. And the third time you use it say, As I always said. Because by that time, truly, it will become a part of you.

Another point. As I've said this is my first blog ever and so I am still a bit rusty as to what works and what doesn't. I try to be honest about what I put on my lists I post. Yes, I do like Autumn more than any time of the year. Most people like Spring, which is cool, however, one thing I like over Spring is in Autumn you get the same temperatures but not any bugs! And when you are dealing with RP, small, fast flying insects are just one extra thing I don't care to deal with.

At the risk of alienating hoards of followers (I think I have one at this posting) I believe in God. Now I am not planning on using this blog to preach to anyone but I thing being politically correct all the time can flow downhill at a rapid rate straight into hypocrisy. again, I'm just being straight. However, I also believe people can believe in God or not because I also believe unconditionally in the freedom of choice. I chose God about 42 years ago and I believe he choose me a little over 50 years ago, but either way believing works for me.

On what some may consider on an opposite note, although I don't, I also believe in the Law of Attraction. I was introduced to the Law of Attraction by my present mentor, Rudy, and I know that it is because of the Law of Attraction that my life has changed in such a positive direction over the last year and a half. There may be those who would say that is I believe in the Law of Attraction that i can't believe in God and I support their opinion fully. However, since I have come to understand that God didn't just stop when he created the Law of Gravity, a law that effects the physical workings of our planet, but I also believe he created the Law of Attraction that affects the non-physical part of our planet. Now for those who agree, we should get along quite well. For those who don't agree, I still believe this blog will have lots to offer you because this is where you will be able to use that "grocery shopping" technique I talked about earlier. Enough said on that but people who read this are always free to comment is they like.

Finally, let me quickly address my link policy. It's derived pretty simple and basedon the fact that I am 50 years old with RP and I receive a VERY SMALL disibility check each month. Because of this I am always looking to supplement my income as best as I can. Before I started this blog I've learned a few things about income generation and that's why you see Google ads on my site. Now, I don't have control of what there ads are and they constantly change and so if you decide to pursue any of them just do what you would when purchasing anything. Read carefully and shop wisely.

As far as my personally placed links are concerned, you will find they come in basically two types. Website recommendations, such as the one leading to "The Secret" website. I truly believe in this website and in "The Secret" because it first introduced me to the Law of Attraction. I believe by APPLYING the information a person would get from watching the DVD would improve their life immensely, but it a person isn't interested in The Secret they don't have to click on the link. As time goes by I plan on adding more links and other things to the site as well, but I will make you a promise. The thins I add will either be things I totally believe in or things that I feel can be helpful for those who need it.

There is one last type of link you will find on this blog. Those are the few links that have products and/or services to offer. I don't list many but those I list I believe in because I've reviewed them. I will strive to always review any and all links before placing them on this blog. However,t his doesn't eliminate a person's need to read "the fine print' as I stated before or as it is so commonly known as these days as "the Terms of Service". Even with all that said, I also try to only connect links that has some sort of money back policy, not because they're disreputable, but simply to give everyone the "choice" to change their mind. Having RP can be a bit trying on the old pocket book, and so if you feel a need to improve your condition when it comes to extra cash, click the appropriate link.

Well, that's the basics. Of course (in real fine print fashion) I reserve the right to ammend, edit, delete, or even change my mind about all (well most) of the stuff I have written here at a later date.

After all, I'm human, and I still make mistakes ;)


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1 comment:

  1. Hello! I found your blog through Twitter and wanted to introduce myself to you and wish you luck with your new blogging adventure. I, too have RP (diagnosed in 1990) and consider myself lucky as well because my progression has been a slow one. I gave up driving two years ago and am in the process of applying for disability now. Although I was laid off from work in April of this year, it had nothing to do with my eyesight. I work as a bookkeeper in the construction industry, which, in Florida, is non-existent these days. I admire your wonderfully positive attitude and strive to be just as positive.

    I started my own book blog almost two years ago and it has brought me such joy! Since I live alone and do not drive or live in the city, its harder for me to get around. The internet has enabled me to 'get out' and meet so many wonderful people around the world thru the love of books. My world is not as small as it used to be and I'm so blessed!

    Good luck to you! I look forward to reading your blog!
