I have to admit that over the last couple of months I have done more "Surviving" than "Thriving" but, for most of us, that's how the holidays are. However, we are now in a new decade (as so many people tell me) and it's time to start things all over.
So, have you made your New Year's resolution yet? You know those grand plans of what you are determined to accomplish this year (some risk takers even say before January is done). The "lose weight", "more exercise", "spend more time with family" type of resolutions? Hey, I know where you're coming from. I've been there many, many, many years....up to this one.
Why? Because I FINALLY heard a wise person say something that I believe I have heard before but it just sunk in. "Don't make resolutions, set goals!"
This message was delivered to me by a gentlemen named Vic Johnson during a small webinar on goal-setting just prior to the New Year coming in. And, as I said, even though I had heard similar things before, I am thankful that it finally sunk in.
So, what's the difference between a resolution and a goal?
I have to admit that they're close and I am sure that you can look up the exact definition of a goal (I usually use Wikipedia these days), but it was pointed out to me that goals have a few key points that resolutions seldom have.
For example:
1 - A goal is Always written down. If it isn't written down it isn't a goal. It could be a wish, a hope, or even a dream, but it's Not A Goal! Do you wish to set a goal? Decide what you want and write it down. In fact, get some paper or a index card right this second, stop reading and write donw your number one goal. Go ahead, do it right now. Great!
2 - A goal is Always dated. Without putting a date on your Written goal you will never develop a Sense of Urgency whichis paramount in the success of the goal. So make sure you date your goal.
3 - A goal Always is accompanied by a list of steps to reach the goal. Up to this point you know what you want because you wrote it down (Right?), of course you did. You know when you want it because you dated it. Now you need to write down the steps needed to get yourself moving in that direction. As the old saying goes, "inch by inch everything's a inch, yard by yard it's hard". Write down the steps that lead to your goal and then start to take them one at a time.
4 - Final step and this is vital! Never and I mean NEVER use Results as a checkpoint as to whether you are getting closer to your goals. Instead, use actions. What do I mean by that? Refer back to the list of steps you have written down to get to your goal and at the end of the day ask yourself a simple question. "Did my Actions today move me up a step or down the step?" Remember, life is not static you either did something that day that moved you forward or backwards. The real challenge comes from the fact that since it's a good idea not to share your ultimate goals with many people the chances are the only person who will know if you are closer to your goal is yourself.
I remember a talk I heard many years ago from a business leader I respected. He was talking on accomplishing goals and he made a point with an interesting statement that has stuck with me long after I lost contact with him. He said, "If I were your boss you would accomplish your goals because I would Make You do what it took to do so. But since I'm Not your boss you'll just have to make yourself." I have found during my life hands down there has been no one I have had a harder time getting to do Anything then myself. I'm sure I'm not alone with this.
As of today, I'm right on schedule for my goals this year because I don't let a day go by without accomplishing at least one Action step that moves me closer to my goal. How about you?
So you see now why I'm never going to make any more New Year's resolutions? I prefer goal-setting and goal accomplishing because I can decide to control my actions on a daily basis, and let's be honest, resolutions Never work!
And that's just one of the ways I'll be Thriving and not just Surviving in 2010.