Monday, November 30, 2009


It has been some time since I've posted last, and the reason for this is that I've been doing some research to see if I could do my blogs better. In fact, I have been attempting to go back through all of my blogs and edit them (I started believing they were too long) and correct spelling and grammar mistakes. Of course, as I got busier and busier with other things the idea of redoing all of my work seemed daunting and so -- with confusing comes inactivity.

Because of this, I have just decided to leave things as they are and move on. After all, In a year or two it will be kind of interesting to come back and read what I wrote and see how much I have improved. ;)

So, my goal from this point is to edit while I work, and to try to write in a way that any "errors" would seem to disappear in light of (hopefully) good content.

As December storms down on us, I realize again that life is too short to keep redoing something until it's perfect, because as we all know, nothing's perfect. Especially me. :)

A wise person once said, "Take time to enjoy your youth because you're as young as you'll ever be!" That includes taking the time to enjoy family, friends, and wonderful Holiday Seasons.

And that's just one of the fun parts of Thriving and Not Just Surviving.

Friday, November 6, 2009


If this was one of those standard contracts that many of us have seen throughout our lives, this would be the part where the "fine print" lies. As I have alluded to in previous posts I consider myself basically pragmatic and I have found through trial and error that it is sometimes good to just put all the cards on the table so to speak.

First of all, since I'm not perfect this blog is not meant to be perfect. I hope this statement doesn't sound trite or arrogant because I'm just trying to be honest. There are those out there who just tell people what they want to hear because they value short-termed popularity over long term truth, and I know that there have been times in the past where I would have been found right along with them. However, after 50 years I have learned that honesty is always the best policy.

So Let's Be Honest -

I have Retinitis Pigmentosa (mostly referred to as RP) and have had it for 50+ years. It has progressed to the point where I became egally blind many years ago so I had to learn how to use a white cane. Fortunately, I can stiil see enough to get around without bumping into too many things in the day time, although more things then I used to.

As those who have it know, RP is hereditary and I inherited it from my mother who is in her 70s and totally blind. She too had to admit that she was fortunate because her vision loss was so gradual that she can't even remember when she stopped seeing at all. She told me that she now only sees in her dreams.

Now I don't relay any of this information to have anyone feel sorry for me. Frankly,I've had bad vision all my life, wore what was called back then "coke bottle" glasses and was teased and taunted in school. (What's that saying about what doesn't kill you....I guess I'm very strong these days.) The main reason I don't need anyone to feel sorry for me is because I know where I stand. I myself feel sorry for those people with perfect vision who constantly take their eyes for granted. There the same people if they got in a car accident tomorrow and lost their sight would commit suicide the very next day.

I admire people with RP who elect not only to survive but thrive! I consider my mom a hero because she not only gets up everyday but she goes out and does more in the average week then sighted people her age does in a month. I couldn't feel sorry for myself if I tried because I see better then she does! Enough said.

Another point I wish to make is blog content. I have been struggling with that to a degree for a while because i truly believe I have a few things to say that will help people if they put it to practice. I will also state emphatically, that 99% of the stuff anyone reads on this blog that can be applied to thriving was gleamed from men and women FAR brighter then me. I was just smart enough to "steal" from the best and apply it. Not too bad a practice when you're trying to improve yourself. I will assure you that unless I just don't know where the idea originated, I will always tell you where the thoughts came from AND where you can go to get more of the same.

I just want anyone who reads this blog to know that I don't claim any great wisdom about life. If I can take credit for anything is that I applied what seemed to work for me and discarded what didn't. One piece of advice I heard said can definitely be applied here. Take a grocery shopping attitude. No one goes grocery shopping and sweeps everything off every shelf into their cart. They choice what they want at that time and they leave what they don't like on the shelf. Good philosophy of life. It fits perfectly for this blog. I now you will find something you like here eventually. That's not arrogance on my part. Why I know is the best parts, as I said above, I "gleamed" from other sources. And if yu choose you may "gleam" it from me. However, it's best if you do that to try this three step process taht I picked up form a wise speaker: The first time you repeat something you find here just say, "I read something in a blog one day." The second time you use it say, A wise person once said. And the third time you use it say, As I always said. Because by that time, truly, it will become a part of you.

Another point. As I've said this is my first blog ever and so I am still a bit rusty as to what works and what doesn't. I try to be honest about what I put on my lists I post. Yes, I do like Autumn more than any time of the year. Most people like Spring, which is cool, however, one thing I like over Spring is in Autumn you get the same temperatures but not any bugs! And when you are dealing with RP, small, fast flying insects are just one extra thing I don't care to deal with.

At the risk of alienating hoards of followers (I think I have one at this posting) I believe in God. Now I am not planning on using this blog to preach to anyone but I thing being politically correct all the time can flow downhill at a rapid rate straight into hypocrisy. again, I'm just being straight. However, I also believe people can believe in God or not because I also believe unconditionally in the freedom of choice. I chose God about 42 years ago and I believe he choose me a little over 50 years ago, but either way believing works for me.

On what some may consider on an opposite note, although I don't, I also believe in the Law of Attraction. I was introduced to the Law of Attraction by my present mentor, Rudy, and I know that it is because of the Law of Attraction that my life has changed in such a positive direction over the last year and a half. There may be those who would say that is I believe in the Law of Attraction that i can't believe in God and I support their opinion fully. However, since I have come to understand that God didn't just stop when he created the Law of Gravity, a law that effects the physical workings of our planet, but I also believe he created the Law of Attraction that affects the non-physical part of our planet. Now for those who agree, we should get along quite well. For those who don't agree, I still believe this blog will have lots to offer you because this is where you will be able to use that "grocery shopping" technique I talked about earlier. Enough said on that but people who read this are always free to comment is they like.

Finally, let me quickly address my link policy. It's derived pretty simple and basedon the fact that I am 50 years old with RP and I receive a VERY SMALL disibility check each month. Because of this I am always looking to supplement my income as best as I can. Before I started this blog I've learned a few things about income generation and that's why you see Google ads on my site. Now, I don't have control of what there ads are and they constantly change and so if you decide to pursue any of them just do what you would when purchasing anything. Read carefully and shop wisely.

As far as my personally placed links are concerned, you will find they come in basically two types. Website recommendations, such as the one leading to "The Secret" website. I truly believe in this website and in "The Secret" because it first introduced me to the Law of Attraction. I believe by APPLYING the information a person would get from watching the DVD would improve their life immensely, but it a person isn't interested in The Secret they don't have to click on the link. As time goes by I plan on adding more links and other things to the site as well, but I will make you a promise. The thins I add will either be things I totally believe in or things that I feel can be helpful for those who need it.

There is one last type of link you will find on this blog. Those are the few links that have products and/or services to offer. I don't list many but those I list I believe in because I've reviewed them. I will strive to always review any and all links before placing them on this blog. However,t his doesn't eliminate a person's need to read "the fine print' as I stated before or as it is so commonly known as these days as "the Terms of Service". Even with all that said, I also try to only connect links that has some sort of money back policy, not because they're disreputable, but simply to give everyone the "choice" to change their mind. Having RP can be a bit trying on the old pocket book, and so if you feel a need to improve your condition when it comes to extra cash, click the appropriate link.

Well, that's the basics. Of course (in real fine print fashion) I reserve the right to ammend, edit, delete, or even change my mind about all (well most) of the stuff I have written here at a later date.

After all, I'm human, and I still make mistakes ;)


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Thursday, November 5, 2009


I first heard the following story sometime ago. I had always found it fascinating although the specific circumstances seemed too far away from me to matter. The story went something like this:

Many years ago workers at a train station were coming to the end of their day and were leaving to go home. One of the workers decided to do a last round of checking on some of the train cars that were set aside for repairs before going home.

He had looking through one particular refrigerated car when the door to the cas slammed shut. It startled him and, at first, he thought some of his fellow workers were playing a joke on him, but as he paused to listen he heard the faint sound of other cars being shut as well and he realized that the person who was closing the doors had no idea he was inside.

Because the refrigerated cars at that time had no indoor handles he began pounding on the door and screaming in hopes that someone might hear him, but no one did. As it became later, he became keenly aware that the unit he was in was on! He could feel the cold air blowing against him and because he knew of the freezing capacity of these cars, estimated the cold was below survival tolerence.

This spurred him on to resume his screeming and pounding but to no avail, and finally after some time he was forced to stop, his hands had become bloody andhis voice was reduced to a raspy whisper. During that time all he could think of is that if he didn't get out of that boxcar he would freeze to death.

He paced for a long while to keep warm but he finally grew cold and tired and had to sit down on the floor. He clasped himself tighter trying to keep warm but he already knew with the cold he felt it wouldn't be long now.

Spying a large piece of cardboard on the floor he decided to record his thoughts for those who would eventually find him. he penned how he had gotten trapped in the car, and how cold it had been. He wrote how cold it was and how he knew he would not be able to make it through the night. He wrote how he knew he would freeze the death. It was hard for him to write because he was shivering so bad, and finally he stopped his handwriting trailing off.

They would find him the next day - Dead. And later the autopsy report would verify that he indeed had frozen the death. An investigation was started to look into how this could have possible happen.


Just a few years ago, another man had moved into a home with some very nice couple who had a cat. Now the man always got along fine with cats and would even take care of the cat when the couple would go out of town.

ONe day he went looking for the cat and couldn't find her and finaly was able to track her down sleeping in the middle of his bed. That she was sleeping on his bed normally wouldn't have bothered him but he had noticed lately that the cat had been showing signs of being infested with fleas. He quickly scooted her off his bed and out of his room.

That night as he prepared to sleep he was really hoping to himself tht he had gottenher off his bed before it was too late. Unfortunately, he found himself awaken in the middle of the night with the pain and itch of being bitten by fleas. It got so bad that night that he made himself comfortable on the floor of his room, vowing to remedy the problem in the morning.

Well, the next morning he first went to his computer and looked up details about fleas, howhigh they could jump, and what could be done to kill them. Armed with this infomation he went to the store and purchased a couple of flea bombs and, sealing off his room, fumigated his room. Once the "smoke" cleared he was happy to go back to his room and have a good night sleep. This lasted about a week before the fleas were back.

He fumigated again, but this time they were back in less than 3 days. Again he sprayed ad they came back. He looked on the internet and found more and more potent stuff and laid down layer upon layer of poison, which always worked - for a while - but then they were back again.

It wasn't long before they had infiltrated his mattress so much that he had to get rid of his bed, after all, the internet had told him how quicly they multiplied, and how long they could stay dormant, and how many insecticides they were immuned to.

It got so bad that he was practically spraying every other day, and because he didn't want to risk the fleas multiplying under another bed he never purchased another one. He relegated himself to a set of blankets and a pillow that he placed on the floor to sleep. He promised himself that as soon as he got rid of them all he would purchase a new bed. This consoled him every night as he coughed himself to sleep from breathing the remnants of insecticide spray.

The couple he lived with had grown quite concenred about him and had even had a professional come in and spray but that didn't help for long before he was being bit again.

Hundreds of dollars worth of insecticide spray and two years later he was still sleeping on the floor and still coughing!

Finally, the couple decided to take matters in their own hand, convinced that the spray he was inhaling was doing him more damage then the bites he informed him he was experiencing that they compromised and instead of purchasing a large bed for the room to replace the one that was gone for two years, they put in a small sofa-bed that he could fold up when not in use, and still be able to spray for the fleas.

A coulple of days later, the landlord had a professional come in and spray once more andthen confronted the man telling him that there is no way that he could still have fleas in his room afte this time. He told him he had been in the room many times and he had not seen or felt anything.

Well, the man knew what he felt and to finally prove it to him, he pulled up the article about fleas that he had read two years earlier. As he was pulling the article up he explained to the landlord that fleas could jump 6 feet in the air. That's how he knew they were in his romm because even when he stood up (the man was nearly 6 feet tall) he still was being get bit!

The landlord was quite suprised at what he had said, he had no idea that fleas could jump 6 feet in the air. When the article came on the sdreen he quickly moved to the place where he had read the statistic, pointed to the screen and was about to exclaim he was right when he stopped and his own jar dropped.

You see, fleas are so small that they are very hard to see, but even that small they are amazing jumpers, but not as amazing as the man had belived for the last two years, you see, there was a six and a zero together but it wasn't six feet they could jump, it was 60 times their hight, wheich when measured was barely higher than a man's ankle!


So why did I relate these two stories. Well, as I finish both of them it will become clear.

On the first man, the autopsy showed that he had indeed froze to death. Even the very cells of his body testified to it. The only problem with the findings is this - the refrigerated car was broken! Yes, the man trapped in the car felt cold air blowing but it was from the fan pulling in air from the outside. That night tht he "froze" to death the temperature didn't even get into the 40s, but because the man believed that the air he felt was freezing his mind had no choice but to give him wht he asked for. The refrigerated car didn't kill him, it was his BELIEF that the refrigerated car was going to kill him that caused his death!

Now you may say that the story must be a myth or an urban legend and there's no way that it could possible happen like it was reported. After all, you say it was a long time ago and I am sure you have no real proof. Okay, granted! Let me tell you the end of the second story.

when the man realized that he had misread the information on the fleas jumping capability from 60 to 6'0 he realized that there was no way after he had gotten rid of the bed and hwas just walking around the room could a flea jump from the floor all the way up to his arms and next to bite him! But because he BELIEVED FOR TWO YEARS they could, his mind obliged him and gave him exactly what he asked for, two years of scratching, biting, and breathing insecticide!

But here's the real clincher. Within two days after the new belief started to sink in the "fleas" have vanished and having come back - and that was almost two years ago!

Oh, and before you ask for proof, it's not necessary. You see, I AM the second man!

I very wise man once said, "If you believe you can do a thing or you canot do a thing, either way, you're right!"

Because of a simple reading error, I took a perfectly good room and turned it into a two year torture chamber because I BELIEVED it was one. Now, if I could do something tht painful to themselves by accident, could you just imagine what ANY human mind could do when they Truly Belief in a dream or a goal for themselves!

For example, swine flu or no swine flu - I don't take flu shots because I BELIEVE I don't get sick. (It's amazing, but I can't remember the last time I was sick).

Here's even a better one: Although I have RP and my sight is diminished, I BELIEVE i can see clearer and clearer each day! This not only can happen , but i know it will happend. Try it. After all, good vision is nothing to scratch at!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I recall a very wise man saying that the difference between where you are now and where you will be in 5 years has a lot to do with the people you associate with and the books you read.

Now for many of us we were told growing up that hanging around with the wrong "crowd" could lead us down the wrong path. You know the old saying, "birds of a feather, flock together". Pretty understandable. There's even greater insights into exactly what constitutes "hanging out", which I may address later. However,my focus this time will be on books. An interesting premise especially when dealing with an eye challenge that can and sometimes has rendered a person unable to read a book. When and if that time comes I plan to continue "reading" even if it means books on CDs or MP3.

But what's the big deal about reading. Well, nothing is what is being read is not positive, uplifting, or noteworthy. How can you tell if a book qualifies in that area? I can't speak for every book, but it is certain that a book that is being read is qualifying if something it says makes a person, not just put the book down, but throw it across the room!

It has been said by many successful people who read books that a book meant to help you will cut you open and expose you to yourself. It won't pull any punches but simply tell you like it is, and then the reader has to decide whether to keep an open mind, take it on faith, and keep on reading. It's the reader that can do that who will get the most out of the book.

Now some who can see to read may still say that they are too busy to read and as long as I am working with positive material isn't listening to books on CD just as good. I would have to say that listening to positive books on CD is better than not listening to any at all, but if there is a choice between reading the book and listening to the book - Read The Book!

Why? The simple answer is quite common, if a person is listening to a book on CD and comes to a point where the speaker says something that touches the listenier's ear, their mental receptors shut down because their mind begins to go into "instant replay" and begins to go over and over that point it heard trying to "milk" it for all the nourishment there, before turning the listening back on. Now, that is good, but the bad part is that while this is going on the CD doesn't stop. So while the listener is contemplating what was just said, some other iimportant parts were overlooked.

On the other hand, while actually reading a book, when the reader comes to a "nutritious" piece of information, when the mind starts replaying it, the reading stops until the mind can catch up. This way, ALL of the vital information can be absorbed. This is why those who really wish to gather all the information from a CD has to listen to it over and over again to gather the same amount of knowledge that a patient reader can grasp in just one reading. And overall do it in less time.

In my lifetime, I've listened to lots of music, watched plenty of television, and have gone to my share of recreational facilities, but overall, I still find that books, good books, have always been my greatest source of treasure. And you don't have to own the book to enjoy reading it. Library card, anyone?


Tuesday, November 3, 2009


This summer I was privileged to do a favor for my youngest nephew. I taught him to put his head underwater and keep it there.

Okay, maybe there's a little bit more to it then that, but it actually started for him sometime earlier. It seems that when he was a bit younger, he had been playing in a pool with his older cousins. Combining several boys and water can quickly turn into rough housing and usually the youngest tends to get the brunt of it all. Now I wasn't there but let's just say that by the time his 3 cousins had finished with him he was scared to get in a pool let alone put his head under water.

here's the interesting part of this matter, the pool I took him to (my goal being to teach him how to swim) was approximately 4 feet deep throughout with no diving board. My nephew is over 5 foot tall and so, as long as he stood up, there was no way he could ever come close to drowning.

Now when we started I showed him this, I explained it to him, I even had him slowly climb in and walk the length of it. He agreed with the facts, however, soon as I attempted to get him to put his head under water he panicked and didn't want to have anything to do with the ordeal. In a nutshell, he was scared and he told me so.

I had promised his mother that I would commit to helping him but in order to make any progress we would have to meet for, at least 30 minutes, three times a week for the entire summer. To be honest, if I knew what kind of ordeal that would put us both through I would have gotten out of the pool and ran!

We met our final week wheich was the week before school started and I would love to tell you that he could swim like a fish but I was unable to teach him to swim at all. However, I can't tell you how proud I was that during his last lesson he jumped in the pool, held his breath, and stayed under the water for almost a minute! It was a small victory for me but a VERY LARGE victory for him. You see, I wanted him to learn to swim but it was quite satisfying tht he wasn't scared of the water anymore.

It's been said that the best way to overcome fear is to face what you're afraid of, and for some people that is true. It's been said that FEAR can be look at like an acronym - you know, False Evidence Appearing Real! And it can. But sometimes fear doesn't go away when it's faced and sometimes fear doesn't seem false, but I do know that every person living on this planet has one time or another faced fear or will face fear. Myself included.

Sometimes it the simple fear of being afraid of a spider, or that complex fear when a loved one is stricken with something that may take their life. I don't claim to know the best way to handle fear, I've just learned to handle mine, and one course of action seems to hold more merit then most, and that is, there is no guarantee that facing a fear will make it go away, but it is pretty certain if it isn't faced it will NEVER go away!

And when all else fails, how does that old saying go? Oh, yeah, "Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."

On an interesting note, right after school started I received a call from my nephew. He was in great spirit and he asked me one simple question. "Uncle Ricky, now that you've taught me to not be afraid of the pool, could you teach me not to be afraid of spiders?"

I just smiled.


Monday, November 2, 2009


One of the challenges of RP is that it is easy for a person to get hung up on the things they use to do but are unable to do anymore. It's a dual-edged sword because along with affecting your self image it also can send you into depression.

These attitudes changes are not exclusive to RP but are common in a lot of physical ailments that can come up as a person grows older. In a way, the realization of limitation can hit a person like they have been locked in chains with no means of escape.

I have found from personal experience that dwelling on the way I used to do things can prevent me from accomplishing the same task but I have found the solution is simply to learn how to do it a different way.

Along with physical limitations it seems to be natural to have your mind bound up in a similar fashion so that alternate ways of doing things just don't come to you. These are the times that I find that having a mentor is a benefit. A true mentor cares more about what you can accompl9h in your life than where you are now.

The important thing is to realize that there is always another way to do something and concentrate on finding it.

There is an old old saying that goes, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. While the process of gaining a mentor can be simple, sometimes it gets a bit convoluted, but like the example of a chain being used to bind a person, the term chain can be used in a different way as in a chain of events that lead you to the thing you need the most to help you grow past any difficulty.

For example, take a look at mny "chain" if you will.

My parents started a online business over 30 years ago. At that time I attempted working with them but didn't stick it out. Through reading the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", I picked the business back up in 2005. Although I worked hared to get it established, three years later I was struggling.

In the Fall, of 2008 an unusual set of circumstances helped me meet the man who would become my mentor.

I was attending one of our business conferences and the situation came up where I got to ride home with him. That was when we really started talking to each other and a short time later I was meeting with him once a week and have been doing so ever since. It has been the lessons I have learned from him that has truly taught me, not just how to do business, but ways to change who I was to who I am that has really led to my business and my life thriving in spit of RP.

Looking back over the last year I realize that it was that "chain" of events that made all the difference, and now the chain has come full circle as I learn how to set goals of sharing the vital lessons he taught me with others in need. And as new people learn those lessons they can pass the "chain" on to others.

Yes, chains can bind a person up or set a person free. It just depends on who has the key. A good mentor will show anyone that they have always had the key all the time.


Sunday, November 1, 2009


My holiday "treat" last night was a chance to talk with a good friend of mine (let me just call her Joan). She had moved out of state over a year ago and has been working hard to establish a new life for herself with her son.

After getting off of the phone, I happen to reflect on a time many years ago when we were riding in her car and we needed to stop for gas. It was during the time when gas had gone up a lot in price and she remembered that she had a coupon for a particular place which we headed to.

When we got there the place was backed up with cars, and after sitting there for a considerable time I asked to see this coupon. She showed it to me and explained that she was going to save 5 cents per gallon. We waited a little longer and I asked her how much gas she thought her car took and she told me about 20 gallons. After a quick calculation, I asked her if I gave her the dollar she would "save" could we go to a place I new with the same price on gas but no line. She looked at me strangely and then, holding up the coupon, stated, "but I have a coupon". By that time we had been there for almost 30 minutes and still hadn't reached the pump. I just smiled and gently shook my head.

A friend of mine named Larry was in New York for a week with a group of his business partners and they all decided that they wanted to go see the Empire State building during one of their off days. Upon reaching the building they noticed that there was a LONG line of people waiting to just get into the building which stretched back for many blocks.

Now Larry is one of those type of very successful business person who didn't get where he is by just standing and waiting and so he and his partners walked up to the front of the line and asked the guy at the door how long it would take to get from the back of the line to the front door. The guy told him 3 and a half hours.

Larry thought about this for a moment and asked him was there ANY faster way of getting him and his friends to the top of the Empire State building. The gentleman said yes. He could buy an Express ticket. Larry asked how much that would cost. The guy told him an extra $20 a piece. It only took Larry a moment to pay the extra $20 per head and in less than 20 minutes he and his entire party were escorted in, and whisked to the top of the building by elevator (the others were taking the stairs) They spent a considerable amount of time taking in the beautiful skyline of New York city , and enjoying the view. They took lots of pictures and had an awesome time!

On their way back down Larry took note of the crowd and for all practical purposes it had barely moved at all.

Now it could be said that there is a BIG difference between 5 cents and $20 especially when money is tight and I would be the first to agree with you. However in both cases the key point is TIME. In the case of my friend in the car if she had seen a dollar blowing in the breeze across the street she wouldn't make too much of an effort to go chasing after it. However she was willing to spend her time waiting in her car to "save" that amount.

Larry on the other hand simply divided 3.5 hours by $20 and realized his TIME was WORTH more than $6 and some change an hour. After all most people these days, (especially those who can afford to live in New York or visit there) would never settle to work for $6 bucks an hour for 40 hours a week, but, because they didn't take time to calculate it out, were doing just that.

These days people put a lot of stock in the money they have, need, and want, and I quite understand that. It's a commodity that we all need. I would be quite happy if I won the lottery tomorrow for some untold millions but I realized, during my journey from Surviving to Thriving, that the commodity that we all have that will ALWAYS be more precious then money is time. Our own time! Why because even if I won the lottery tomorrow all my riches could not add one more hour onto my day. Not even one more minute. When it's spent, it's spent! I can go to my boss and negotiate some overtime but I can't go to him and negotiate some EXTRA time. You see, no matter how successful he is he just doesn't have it to give.

So if there is a secret I've learned in the last year about Surviving not just surviving it would be to place the highest value on your time. Because once a person (whether they have RP or not) realizes that their time is actually worth millions an hour in potential success and happines, that is when they will see their life truly changin for the better.

Rick - TnjS